Writing Equivalent Polar Coordinates: Quiz

Recall that [b][color=#1e84cc]the polar coordinates of a certain location (i.e. point) in the coordinate plane are NOT UNIQUE. [/color][/b]Unlike rectangular coordinates, [color=#1e84cc][b]there are INFINITELY MANY POLAR COORDINATE REPRESENTATIONS of a point plotted in the coordinate plane. [br][br][/b][/color]In the applet below, a point is given in polar coordinates. [br][color=#ff00ff][b]Your job is simply to write a different pair of polar coordinates so that these coordinates yield the same location as the given ordered pair. (If you type in a correct pair of polar coordinates, the applet will indicate this to you.) [/b][/color][br][br]Try inputting a few ordered pairs for each problem you generate.[br]As you do, try writing at least 2 ordered pairs with [i]r[/i] < 0 and at least 2 ordered pairs with [i]r[/i] > 0. [br]Also try writing at least 2 ordered pairs with theta > 0 and at least 2 ordered pairs with theta < 0.[br][br][b][color=#0000ff]Generate as many practice problems as you need in order to master this concept! [/color][/b]

Information: Writing Equivalent Polar Coordinates: Quiz