Paper folding

A rectangular sheet of 8.5-in-by-11-in paper is placed on a flat surface. One of the corners is placed on the opposite longer edge, and is held there as the paper is smoothed flat. [br][br]Click the checkbox to fold point [math]A[/math] onto [math]Q[/math], and drag point [math]Q[/math] along the right edge of the paper.[br][br]If [math]x[/math] is the distance from [math]A[/math] to [math]P[/math] (which is also the distance from [math]P[/math] to [math]Q[/math]), what approximate value of [math]x[/math] appears to minimize the length of the crease? What is the approximate minimum length of this crease?
[i]Developed for use with Thomas' Calculus, published by Pearson.[/i]

信息: Paper folding