Graphs of Trig Functions

This demonstration shows how the graphs of the 6 trigonometric functions are related to the Unit Circle. The point A is animated around the circle and each function is plotted as a point. For example, the sine curve is plotted by tracing the point [math](\alpha, sin(\alpha))[/math] where [math]\alpha[/math] is an angle between 0 and [math]2\pi[/math]. [br][br]The trace changes from black to red when the function passes from being positive to negative.
1. In what quadrant is each function positive? negative? [br]2. Where, in the domain of [math]\alpha=[0,2\pi][/math] is each Quadrant?[br]3. In which Quadrant/s are all the trig functions positive?[br]4. In which Quadrant/s does [math]\sin\alpha=\cos\alpha[/math]?
