Ellipse: Reflective Property

The applet below contains an ellipse with both its foci shown. [b]Feel free to place point [i]P, [/i][color=#ff7700]the orange point[/color], and both foci of the ellipse anywhere you'd like at any time![/b][br][br]How would you describe the phenomena you see?
[i]Do a little exploratory research on the following topics:[br]Specifically, how are ellipses used in each application? [/i][br][br][b]1) Whispering Galleries[br]2) Elliptic Lithotripsy (Destroying Kidney Stones) [br][/b][br][color=#0000ff][b]How is the principle illustrated in the applet above "reflected" (no pun intended) in each of these applications? [/b][/color]

Information: Ellipse: Reflective Property