Properties of Parallelograms

Question 1
Use the distance/length tool to find the length of each side. What is the relationship between opposite side lengths? Drag some of the vertices to see if this is always true.
Question 2
Use the angle tool to find the measure of each [u][b]interior[/b][/u] angle. [br] a. What is the relationship between opposite angles? [br] b. What is the relationship between consecutive (angles that share a side) angles?[br][br]Drag some of the vertices to see if this is always true.
Question 3
Use the segment tool to create 2 diagonals. One connecting A and D and another connecting B and C. Put a point at their intersection. [br][br]Now use the distance/length to find the length from each vertex to that intersection point.[br]What do you notice is true?[br][br]Drag some of the vertices to see if this is always true.[br][br]

Information: Properties of Parallelograms