Tab [i][img width=30,height=20][/img] Tasks[/i] displays a list of all [i]Tasks[/i] shared with a Group, sorted by their status:[br][list][*][b]To-Do[/b]: Tasks that have not been worked on, or that are only partially solved.[/*][*][b]Done[/b]: Tasks that are completely solved or reviewed by the [i]Owner[/i]. [br][/*][/list]
[img][/img] [b][i]Not started[/i][/b][br]Tasks that have not been worked on by a [i]Member[/i]. This may be [i]Tasks [/i]that have not yet been opened by the [i]Member[/i], or that have been viewed without saving any work.[br][br][img][/img] [i][b]In progress[/b][/i][br]If a [i]Member [/i]works on a [i]Task[/i], its status changes to [img][/img] [i]In progress.[/i] If the [i]Task[/i] has been finished by a [i]Member[/i] (i.e. all questions have been answered), it is moved to the list of [i]Done Tasks[/i]. As long as there is at least one answer missing, the [i]Task [/i]remains in the [i]To-Do[/i] list of [i]Tasks[/i].[br][br][img width=17,height=17][/img] [b]Turned in[/b][br]Tasks that have been worked on by a [i]Member[/i] and are ready to be reviewed by the [i]Owner[/i] of the Group have the status [img width=17,height=17][/img] [i]Turned in[/i].[br][br][img][/img] [i][b]Com[/b][/i][i][b]plete[/b][br]Tasks [/i]that have been reviewed by the [i]Owner[/i] of the Group may receive status [img][/img] [i]Com[/i][i]plete[/i].[br][u]Note[/u]: If the [i]Owner's [/i]review reveals that the solution of the [i]Task[/i] is incomplete, they can provide feedback and send the [i]Task [/i]back to the [i]Member's[/i] [i]To-Do[/i] list. In this case, the [i]Member [/i]receives a notification and is allowed to revise the work.