Reflecting About Lines: Ex. 18

1) Position Wily Coyote (using points [i][b][color=#cc0000]A[/color][/b][/i] and [i][b][color=#1e84cc]B[/color][/b][/i]) anywhere you'd like within the coordinate plane.[br]2) Select the REFLECT ABOUT LINE [icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_mirroratline.png[/icon] tool. [br] Then drag a rectangle around points [i][b][color=#cc0000]A[/color][/b][/i], [i][b][color=#1e84cc]B[/color][/b][/i], and Wily's picture. [br] This should cause these 3 items to become highlighted. [br] Select the dashed line. [br][br]3) The images of these items should now appear. [br][br]Please answer the questions that appear below the applet.
Note the equation of the original line is [math]y=x[/math]. [br][b]What is the image of point ([i]a[/i], [i]b[/i]) under a reflection about the line [/b][math]y=x[/math][b]? [/b]
Move the 2 orange points around to change the equation of the line to [math]y=-x[/math]. [br][b]What is the image of point ([i]a[/i], [i]b[/i]) under a reflection about the line [/b][math]y=-x[/math][b]? [/b]
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Information: Reflecting About Lines: Ex. 18