One of the great challenges of mathematics teachers is to keep students motivated to the study[br]of math. The abstraction and the lack of applicability of the subjects taught has been the major cause of dropout in this discipline. Nowadays, [color=#cc4125][b]the technologies [/b][/color]can be used to support teaching, making maths a tangible science.
[size=150][b][color=#a61c00]How do you use the technologies in teaching/learning methodologies?[br][/color][/b][/size][br] [color=#0b5394][b]Mathematical Modeling[br][/b][/color] [color=#38761d][b]Simulation[br][/b][/color][color=#741b47][b] Project-Based Learning[br][/b][/color]
[size=150][b][color=#0b5394]Mathematical Modeling[br][/color][/b][/size][b][/b][br]Mathematical Modeling is a process that transforms a real situation into a mathematical problem by a model (Blum, 1995).
[list][*]The Modeling constributes significantly to reflections (Biembengut et Hein, 2000); [/*][*]The Modeling provides a learning environment based on research (Biembengut et Hein, 2000);[/*][*]The Modeling requires mathematical and technological knowledges to construct the model (Skovsmose, 1998).[/*][/list]
[br][size=150][b][color=#38761d]Simulation[br][/color][/b][/size][br][justify]Simulators can take many forms and can present in differents fields of knowledge (Jonassen, 1996).[/justify][br][b]Simulators should be:[/b][list][*]Exploratory learning environments;[/*][*]Spaces of discovery where students can manipulate, explore and experiment, developing their skills and of the discovery of the simulated world objects.[br][br][br][/*][/list]
[size=150][b][color=#741b47]Project-Based Learning (PBL)[br][/color][/b][/size][b][/b][br][justify]PBL allows to acquire scientific and technological knowledge, develop skills in the project development, problem solving, communication, teamwork, responsibility to colleagues and society, etc (Masson et al., 2012). [br][/justify][br][br][list][*]The models based on PBL are more efficients in the engineering areas than models based on theoretical lessons. [/*][*]The goals and specific curricula are incorporated in project management.[/*][*]The teacher’s role is to be a learning coach (motivate the student to search for information, encourage to learn, awareness of the difficulties, work together, listen other opinions, etc..). [/*][*]Students must take responsibility for their own learning.[br][br][/*][/list]