Lets's investigate nets of 3D solids

On a sheet of graph paper draw as many nets for this cube as you can on the one page.
Now let's explore those nets. Can you see what happens to all those edges, vertices and faces as you open the net? How many did you manage to draw?
Here is a cone and its net. Explore what happens to the net when you make the cone taller or shorter or, wider and narrower. What did you notice?
Have a play with this cylinder and it's net. What do you notice about the net when you change the height or width? On graph paper draw the net of a short, wide cylinder and a tall, skinny cylinder.
After you've had a play with with this square pyramid and its net, have a go a drawing what you think the net of a triangular pyramid might look like.
Let's have a look at this rectangular prism and it's net. Does it remind you of a net you've already explored here? If so, what do you need to do make it look more the same?
As you open and close this net, have a think about the placement of the hexagonal bases. Do you think these are the only places they could go? Draw some of your other ideas for how this net could look.
Now this one is just for fun. Have a look at what the net of your soccer ball would look like.
