Function & Inverse Function Composition Action!

In the applet below, [b][i]g[/i] is a function[/b]. [color=#666666][b]The graph of its[/b][/color][b][color=#666666] inverse, [i]f[/i], is shown in gray. [/color][/b] [br][br][color=#0000ff][b]What relationship does this applet graphically illustrate about a function and its inverse? [br][/b][/color]
[b][color=#ff0000]Note: [/color][/b][br][br][b][color=#ff0000]Not every function has an inverse relation that is also a function.[/color][/b] The principle you dynamically see illustrated here (with related notation) technically holds true for functions that are invertible (i.e. functions for which an inverse function actually exist. (For further information, [url=]visit this applet[/url].) [br][br][b][color=#1e84cc]Can you form any conclusion about the relationship between any relation and its inverse relation? [/color][/b]

Information: Function & Inverse Function Composition Action!