3.7 Investigation 3 (Incenter)

3.7 Constructing Points of Concurrency Investigation
Step 1: The distance from the incenter to each of the three sides is the same with it measuring relatively 2.4.[br][br]Step 2: Construct the perpendicular from the incenter to any one of the sides of the triangle. Mark the point of intersection between the perpendicular line and the side of the triangle.[br][br]Step 3: Tape or glue your patty paper firmly on a piece of regular paper. Use a compass to construct a circle with the incenter as the center and that passes though the point of intersection in Step 2. What do you notice?[br]I noticed that the points on the side of the triangle touch the circle which would then make the distance from the triangle side to the incenter equidistant. [br][br]Step 4: Use your observation to state your new conjecture[br][br]Incenter Conjecture [br][br]The incenter of a triangle is equidistant from the sides

Information: 3.7 Investigation 3 (Incenter)