Distance and Time Graph

[b]Directions: using line segments, create a graph that represents the following scenario:[/b][br][br]Andre jogs 2 miles to work everyday. Here is a description of his trip on a recent day:[br][br]1. He jogged halfway in 4 minutes and then realized he forgot his lunch [br]2. He jogged back home at the same speed[br]3. He took 2 minutes getting his lunch[br]4. He ran to work moving twice as fast as his original speed[br][br]Draw a graph that represents his movement using the grid below.[br][b][br]Hints[/b]: [br][list][*]Click[img width=46,height=37]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/LLPUNkFynar99Kkf3MdlN9sZUhwANBgXnoj-168moyqVK9tlIsG5KwKi-CV8-jZaV5WFKIdEv6zrj7BlFUnSfG_yGelv7CN8qb7miiT3EYoIXL7vRVhrQKADENgwO8DhGRzEQDCY[/img] and then [img width=130,height=38]https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/2AU1nh1RBNFUn-qkaYfFnZNnNbjTCOhQkuEz2n9Lv6Ss5_tVNKu5qob2qi2CAhSLZcxIg7DxFEF9B5GehvhBP_zNl20BvXHxtywuOOQbOaWQNQJw_h3zGzZdEkFZiuP3BoX0t79j[/img]to create line segments[br][/*][*]Click one spot and then another spot to complete a segment[br][/*][/list]

Information: Distance and Time Graph