Correct from the first try

If you get familiar with scripting and counting scores you might experiment with variations.[br]Is the student allowed to give an exercise a second try or do I want a result that explicitly rapports how many exercises were answered correctly from the first time.[br][list][*]Create a number [b]made = 0[/b][/*][*]Let the value of made [b]increase by 1[/b] when an answer is given[/*][*]Let the values of solution ans trials only [b]increase when made = 1[/b].[br]If you try a second answer for the same exercise made will be increased to 2[br]and the values of solution ans trials will remain the same.[/*][*]Clicking on the button[i] next exercise[/i] [b]resets made to 0[/b].[/*][/list]Of course you have to explain this way of counting in advance to the students.[br]Eventually a student can correct the exercise but this result won't be count.
script of the Input Box
script of the button next exercise

Information: Correct from the first try