Confidence Interval for a Proportion
The applet below illustrates the concept of constructing confidence intervals for proportions (a 1-proportion z-interval). Set the population proportion, [br]sample size, and confidence level using the sliders. There are 100 confidence intervals at your chosen confidence level, based on 100 random [br]samples of your chosen sample size, from a population with your chosen proportion.[br][br]On average, the percentage of confidence intervals that contain the population proportion will be equal to the chosen confidence level.[br][br]You will notice that larger sample sizes produce shorter confidence intervals (why?).[br]You will notice that larger confidence levels produce longer confidence intervals (why?)
Confidence Interval for a Proportion Exploration
The applet below allows you to explore a single confidence interval for a proportion (a 1-proportion z-interval). Set the population proportion, [br]sample size, and confidence level using the sliders. There is 1 confidence interval at your chosen confidence level, based on 1 random [br]sample of your chosen sample size, from a population with your chosen proportion.[br][br]Once you set your sliders, click on the NEW RANDOM SAMPLE button to create a new confidence interval based on a new sample for your chosen[br]settings. On average, the percentage of confidence intervals that contain the population proportion will be equal to the chosen confidence level.[br][br]You will notice that larger sample sizes produce shorter confidence intervals (why?).[br]You will notice that larger confidence levels produce longer confidence intervals (why?)