Spheres into a pyramid

This construction can help you to visualize a few special spheres. It would be interesting if you can find out which are the main characteristics of these spheres and how were they constructed. The control boxes can give you hints, letting you just focus on a few objects. Drag the blue points for testing your conjectures.
Spheres into a pyramid

One row

This is a sort of Tetris game. You have to complete a row using the same type of bricks (you can choose the brick type with the slider). After you choose the brick clic OK to see what happens. You can try again, but you will have a new tray, so maybe is not the same solution. How many solutions are there for each case? Can you select the brick type that demands less bricks to fill the row?

Reflection composition

If you reflect the orange shape by the pink line, and then reflect the image by the blue line you obtain the green contour shape. Change the lines by dragging the yellow points to make the green contour shape overlay the green filled shape. Click the button for a new challenge.

Slippery surface

Try this game if you want to practice a bit about sum of vectors (and have fun as well).
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