Arbelos 1c: Vector Reduction

Solution 1: Vector reduction
_____________________[br]Archimedes' Arbelos:[br][list][br][*]1a. Inscribe a circle in the arc.[url][/url] [br][*]1b. Tangent circles in the arc (Solution 1).[br][*][b]→1c. Vector reduction[/b][br][*]1d. Ellipse from one parameter, scale and rotation: [url][/url][br][*]1e. Final Construction: [url][/url][br][br][*]2a. Let one circle enclose another.[br] Inscribe a third circle in the ring: [url][/url] [br][*]2b. Tangent circles in the ring. [url][/url] [br][/list][br]3. Cyclic Solution:[br][list][br][*]3a. An outer ring of tangent circles: [url][/url] [br][*]3b. Determine the projection.[br][*]3c. Final Construction: [url][/url][br][/list]

Information: Arbelos 1c: Vector Reduction