Madera REAL Exploring Rotations

Today, you are going to explore rotations in a coordinate plane.
What do you notice when you drag the slider?
Rotate the triangle 90 degrees counterclockwise by using the slider. Answer the following questions.[br][list][*]What are the original ordered pairs of the triangle?[br][/*][*]What are the ordered pairs of the rotated triangle?[br][/*][*]What patterns do you notice?[br][/*][*]Write a rule to describe the rotation.[/*][/list]
Rotate the triangle 180 degrees counterclockwise by using the slider. Answer the following questions.[br][list][*]What are the original ordered pairs of the triangle?[br][/*][*]What are the ordered pairs of the rotated triangle?[br][/*][*]What patterns do you notice?[br][/*][*]Write a rule to describe the rotation.[/*][/list]
Rotate the triangle 270 degrees counterclockwise by using the slider. Answer the following questions.[br][list][*]What are the original ordered pairs of the triangle?[br][/*][*]What are the ordered pairs of the rotated triangle?[br][/*][*]What patterns do you notice?[br][/*][*]Write a rule to describe the rotation.[/*][/list]
How are rotations similar to translations? How are they different?
How are rotations similare to reflections? How are they different?
Is a rotated triangle still congruent? Why or why not?

Information: Madera REAL Exploring Rotations