alternate interior angles

adapt an existing file
More amibtiosly I could give an existing file my own look, or I could add some features.[br]This you can you after downloading the file from the materials platform.[br]When making a lot of files you develop your own way of using GG, and your students get used to it.[br]So its not a blame but a thanks you to the creator (as it was earlier in baroc music) to adapt existing files.[br]But be sure to give right to the original autor and show his name in your worksheet.[br]Lots of Tims appear unchanged in the matererials platform with different autor names, but without quoting him, don't![br]In this file I inserted the questions into the applet itself. I added[br][list][*]a drop-down list for the first question about the relationship between the angles[br][/*][*]an Input Box for checking it by numbers.[/*][/list]

Informace: alternate interior angles