Trans on f linear



Linear systems on a Table

Use the table below to help answer the task questions to the left of the table and on the bottom of the screen.

1. Circle the Row that has the Total Cost of $16.00. 2. How many Bags of M&Ms did Ms. Smith purchase? 3. How many Hershey Bars did Ms. Smith Purchase?

Exploring effects of k

In this worksheet is a base function f(x) and it is being transformed by a k value in different ways. There is a slider to change k and 4 buttons to change how k effects the function. Each button has a lable which shows how the new function is writen with f(x) and k.
Qestions Below
For each questions below generalize the effect of k on a linear, quadratic, and exponential function.
How does changing k effect the graph of f(x) in the form f(x)+k?
How does changing k effect the graph of f(x) in the form f(x+k)?
How does changing k effect the graph of f(x) in the form kf(x)?
How does changing k effect the graph of f(x) in the form f(kx)?
How does changing k effect the graph of f(x) in the form f(x)+k?
How does changing k effect the graph of f(x) in the form f(x+k)?
How does changing k effect the graph of f(x) in the form f(kx)?

Copy of Domain and Range of a Function

Domain and Range of a Function


Investigate the derivatives by moving point A on function f(x) which will move point D on f'(x). Also you may change the function f(x) by editing the equation in the input window labeled f(x).
