Unit Circle - exact values

Investigate the exact trigonometric values by dragging the green dot around the unit circle.
Do you observe any patters with the sine and cosine functions relating to the coordinates?

Cut Equilateral Triangles into Rectangles & Dudeney's Puzzle

A quadrilateral can be dissected into a rectangle by a line joining the mid-points of one pair of opposite sides, and the perpendiculars to this line from the mid-points of the other pair of opposite sides (see https://www.geogebra.org/student/m3459 ).[br][br]In this applet, the equilateral triangle is dissected into 4 pieces by the 3 lines. [br][br]Rotate the dissections, drag the red points to get a rectangle.[br][b]CLICK [/b]any black [b]SEGMENT [/b]to show/hide its [b]LENGTH[/b]. [br][br]Drag Q to investigate its position at which the rectangle becomes a square (the Dudeney's Puzzle).
Anthony Or. GeoGebra Institute of Hong Kong.
