ReFLections (Flip)

Click on the black line of symmetry and drag it to reflect the figure over the line of symmetry. Is the image similar on congruent?
[size=200]Is the image [b]similar [/b]or [b]congruent [/b]to the preimage?[/size]

TranSLation (SLide)

Click on the box to show the image of the figure after a translation. Slide the sliders to translate the figure up, down, right, and left. Is the image similar or congruent?
[size=200]Is the image [b]similar [/b]or[b] congruent[/b] to the preimage?[/size]

RoTation (Turn)

Move the [color=#ff0000][u][b]red[/b][/u] [/color]point to change the angle of rotation.[br]Move points E,F,G, and H to see how that effects the image.[br][br]Is the image similar or congruent to the preimage?
[size=150][size=200]Is the image [b]similar [/b]or [b]congruent[/b] to the preimage?[/size][/size]

Dilation (Reduce or Enlarge)

Adjust the scale factor [b]k[/b]. How does this effect the image?[br]Move points A, B, C, and D. How does this effect the image?
[size=200]Is the image [b]similar[/b] or[b] congruent[/b] to the preimage?[/size]

Reflections, Rotations, Dilations, and Translations

Drag each slider to observe the transformations individually or click the play button to observe all at the same time.

Transformations of Parallel line segments

[size=200]Click on the [b]REFLECT [/b]box.[br]Are the images of the segments congruent?[/size]
[size=200]Click on the [b]ROTATE [/b]box.[br]Are the images of the segments congruent?[/size]
[size=200]Click on the [b]TRANSLATE [/b]box.[br]Are the images of the segments congruent?[/size]
Click on
[size=200]Click on the [b]DILATE [/b]box.[br]Are the images of the segments congruent?[/size]

AA Similarity Theorem

[color=#000000]The [/color][b][color=#0000ff]AA Similarity Theorem[/color][/b][color=#000000] states:[/color][br][br][i][color=#0000ff]If two angles of one triangle are congruent to two angles of another triangle, then the triangles are similar.  [/color][/i][br][br][color=#980000]Below is a visual that was designed to help you prove this theorem true in the case where both triangles have the same orientation.  (If the triangles had opposite orientations, you would have to first [b]reflect[/b] the white triangle [b]about any one of its sides[/b] first, and then proceed along with the steps taken in the applet.)  [/color][br][br][color=#000000]Feel free to move the locations of the [/color][color=#38761d][b]BIG GREN VERTICES[/b][/color][color=#000000] of either triangle before slowly dragging the slider. [/color][b] [/b][i][color=#ff0000]Pay careful attention to what happens as you do.[/color][/i]
Quick (Silent) Demo

Transversal Intersects Parallel Lines

[b][color=#980000]Students:[/color][/b][br][br]Use the GeoGebra applet above to help you complete the [b][color=#1e84cc]Transversals, Lines, & Related Angles[/color][/b] investigation given to you at the beginning of class.
