Area of a Circle

What is the formula for the area of a circle? What does it relate to that you already know?
Straighten the circumference of the circle using the slider.[br][br]Click the dissect checkbox to dissect the circle.[br][br]Rearrange the dissected parts using the green slider.[br][br]What shape does the figure look like when you rearrange it?[br][br]You can increase number of parts using the red slider. [br][br]As you increase the number of parts, what does the figure begin to look like?[br][br]What are the dimensions of that shape?[br][br]What is the formula for the area of that shape?[br][br]What do you think the formula for the area of a circle is?[br][br][br]Used under a Creative Commons License (CCbySA)

Information: Area of a Circle