GeoGebra: Introduction

[size=100][size=150][color=#980000][b]GeoGebra[/b] is an interactive geometry, algebra, statistics and calculus application, intended for learning and teaching mathematics and science from primary school to university level. [br][br]GeoGebra is available on multiple platforms with its desktop applications for Windows, macOS and Linux, with its tablet apps for Android, iPad and Windows, and with its web application based on HTML5 technology.[br][br]Its creator, Markus Hohenwarter,started the project in 2001 as part of his master's thesis at the University of Salzburg. He continues developing GeoGebra together with the help of open-source developers and translators all over the world.[br][br]GeoGebras main features are:[br][/color][list][*][color=#980000]Interactive geometry environment (2D and 3D)[/color][/*][*][color=#980000]Built-in spreadsheet[/color][/*][*][color=#980000]Built-in CAS[/color][/*][*][color=#980000]Built-in statistics and calculus tools[/color][/*][*][color=#980000]Allows scripting[/color][/*][*][color=#980000]Large number of interactive learning and teaching resources at GeoGebra Materials[/color][/*][/list][color=#980000][br][b]Community:[/b][br][br]The International GeoGebra Institute (IGI) is the not-for-profit entity of The GeoGebra Group, coordinating deployment and research efforts across a global network of user groups at universities and non-profit organizations. [br][br]It joins teachers, students, software developers and researchers to support, develop, translate and organise the GeoGebra related tasks and projects. The local user groups support students and teachers in their region. [br][br]As part of the International GeoGebra Institute network they share free educational materials via the GeoGebra Materialsplatform, organize workshops, and work on projects related to GeoGebra. [/color][br][br][/size][/size]
Example 4.1: Method around x-axis
Example 4.1: Function y spins around x-axis
Control the snake with the arrows on your keyboard or by clicking the buttons.