Build & Fit - absolute value f'n I

You can make an absolute value function by dragging the RED points almost anywhere on the screen (why almost?). [br][br]The function will have the form[br][br][math]A(x) = m|x - X_0| + Y_0[/math][br][br]Now try to build the same absolute value function by using the BLUE sliders. [br]Try to do this without displaying the functional form of the RED absolute value function you have made.[br][br]You can check your work by showing the expressions for the functions on the screen.[br][br][b][size=85][ compare & contrast with the applet "Build & Fit - absolute value f'n II"][br][br][i][b][color=#ff0000]What questions could/would you pose to your students based on this applet ?[/color][/b][/i][/size][/b]

Information: Build & Fit - absolute value f'n I