[i]Tasks [/i]are Activities that contain one ore more [i]Task Elements [/i]and allow users to save their work. Available [i]Task Elements[/i] are...[br][list][*][i]Activities[/i][/*][*][i]Images[/i][/*][*][i]Videos[/i][/*][*][i]PDF Files[br][/i][/*][/list][br][u]Note[/u]: If a [i]Task[/i] is posted in a Group, it appears on tab [i][img width=30,height=20]https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/ruqV_GaWVRhJ_fVZsfX39FHzZPUPOF8IoN2LfIoQZgSfYlN3x8xy1VfhYcH033iz1fohSIi5pb0gsAo_ltWE5C1fhs8ZywA517TUrx5ExEWy09amlNmnre5_ihZxSVRjeM6_vcz7[/img] Feedback [/i]/ [i]Tasks[/i] allowing the [i]Members [/i]of the Group an easy access to the [i]Task [/i]itself, as well as to comment on the [i]Task [/i]or give feedback.
[b]Task[/b]: Complete the square construction.
Which Tools did you use in order to complete the square construction?