Triangle Sum Theorem

The applet proves the triangle sum theorem

Area of a Circle - Wedge/Sector Demonstration

We know that the area of a circle is: A=πr². But this is actually hard to prove.[br][br]So we cut the circle into wedges and place half of the wedges face-up and half face-down. [br]The hanging-out yellow pieces always "fill-up" the empty areas of the rectangle with A=πr²[br][br]As the number of wedges increases, the teal line -> radius and the hanging-out pieces start to fit inside the rectangle.[br]Isn't that cool? Showing this mathematically is called calculus!
What is the total length of the curved parts of the yellow wedges?[br]Why did we label the x-axis with units of π and the y-axis with units of numbers?

HAVO 3 Wiskunde Hoofdstuk 7 Dtoets 9

Eenheidscirkel. Inzicht

Krijg wat inzicht in de sinus en cosinus door in deze eenheidscirkel (straal =1) rond te gaan.

Visual Proof of Sin+Cos Identity

Visual proof for trigonometric identity for sin + cos

You can derive this identity starting from: [math]sin \alpha + cos \alpha = K sin (\alpha + t)[/math] What is the maximum value of [math]sin \alpha + cos \alpha [/math] ? For what value of [math]\alpha[/math] does it occur? What is the maximum value of [math] sin \alpha [/math] ? For what value does it occur?

Havo4 Wiskunde B Getal&ruimte 2010 Hoofdstuk 3 Dtoets 1a

Missing Square Puzzle

This dynamic worksheet demonstrate the missing square puzzle, a paradoxical dissection discovered by an amateur mathematician named Paul Curry and popularized by Martin Gardner. The puzzle appears to show a right triangle which is cut into 4 pieces, which are rearranged to form an identical triangle with a square missing from it.[br][br]Press the play button or drag the slider to see this dissection in action. See if you can figure out where the missing area goes. The first checkbox will hint at why it works, and the second checkbox will show you the missing area.
