1. Quadratic function Investigation

Intro to quadratics
[b]Quadratic functions[/b] are really neat. [br]The graph of a [b]quadratic function[/b] is a parabola.[br]Let's take a look at what a quadratic function looks like.[br][br]The initial starting position of this quadratic is y=x[sup]2[/sup]. Take note of how it looks. each end goes on forever, and the [b]turning point[/b] is (0,0)[br][br]If you press the "play button" in the bottom left hand corner, our quadratic function will go wild, showing you some of the [b]"TRANSFORMATIONS"[/b] we can perform on a quadratic function.[br][br]You can also click and drag each slider to move the quadratic. Please note, the letters on each slider should be ignored at this stage. We will be doing more "serious" transformations later. This is just for fun.

Information: 1. Quadratic function Investigation