Klasma 2

Equivalent Fractions

Use the interactive sliders to change the numerator and denominator in order to achieve an equivalent fraction.[br]You can use use the mouse to drag the slider on a desktop computer or by touch on a tablet or smartboard.
Equivalent Fractions

Comparing Fractions

Use the silders to change the fractions, their positions are shown on the number line.
Comparing Fractions
Use to answer the questions and try to work out what the white dots represent![br]Created by Dr GJ Daniels.

Άθροισμα Κλασμάτων

Μαθηματικά Α' Γυμνασίου - A.2.4. Πρόσθεση και αφαίρεση κλασμάτων - Δραστηριότητα 3 Σωτήρης Βαλμάς - Παντελής Πετρίδης
