Learning about Asin(B(x+C))+D

The blue function graphed below is f(x) = A * sin(B*(x+C))+D. Today we will explore what happens when you change the values of the 4 parameters. Please answer the questions below the graph.

[b]1. Begin by using the slider to change the value of A. What effect does changing A have on the shape of the curve? What happens when A is negative? Zero? 2. Now play around with the slider for B. What happens to the shape of the curve? Describe what happens when B > 1 and when 0 < B < 1. 3. Change the sliders for C and D. What happens to the curve when you change these values? What happens when C is increased? When D is increased? 4. Finally, click the checkbox for "Show g(x)". Try to set the values of A, B, C, and D so that f(x) matches g(x) exactly.[/b]