CCSS IP Math II 4.3.1 Example 2

Joely is answering a fill-in-the-blank section on an exam. There are 6 answer choices: a, b, c, d, e, and f, and 5 blanks to fill in. Each answer choice can only be used once, and one answer will not be chosen. How many different ways can Joely fill in the 5 blanks?

[list=1] [*]Determine whether permutations or combinations are being counted. [*]Determine if repetition is allowed. [*]Find the number of permutations without repetition. [*]Confirm your answer using your graphing calculator. [/list] This applet is provided by Walch Education as supplemental material for the [i]CCSS Integrated Pathway: Mathematics II[/i] program. Visit [url=""][/url] for more information on our resources.