Match Box Plot & Data Description

Enter your data-one element at a time-in the input box below. Make sure your data is BETWEEN the { }.[br][br]Once you have entered all your data, you should see all your data graphed in a dot plot on the x-y coordinate plane to the right. Adjust your view of the x-y coordinate plane as needed to see all of your data. Then drag the red Box Plot (Box & Whisker Plot) onto your coordinate plane to sit above your dot plot and match your data.[br][br]Check your Box Plot when finished! Now record this onto your paper, and list your 5-Number Summary: Min/Lower Extreme, Q1/Lower Quartile, Q2/Med, Q3/Upper Quartile, Max/Upper Extreme. Also provide the Mean, M.A.D., & I.Q.R. of the data.[br][br]After done, RESET to complete any additional problems to follow. Record all information on your worksheet &/or notes. HAVE FUN!

Information: Match Box Plot & Data Description