In this section, you will learn how to use the right materials to come up with a good image of yourself after applying the Golden Ratio, In order to find the beauty behind your skin.[br][br][b]INSTRUCTIONS, PLEASE READ CAREFULLY[/b][br]You might need to get a [b]SELFIE[/b] of [b]YOURSELF[/b] or [b]ANYBODY [/b]in the internet. The picture needs to be perfectly facing forward as in the previous example we provided. In order to implement this great method you might need to use each one of this techniques provided by GeoGebra. [br][br][b]A)[/b] It's use to hand free your mouse for any task. Mainly use to adjust the graph as you want it.[br][b]B)[/b] Use line [b]Segment[/b] to connect points to one another.[br][b]C)[/b] Use [u][b]Semicircle through 2 point[/b][/u], to connect the continuous three points that creates the Golden Ratio.[br][b]D)[/b] Use [b][u]Image[/u][/b] to import a picture from. [br][b]E)[/b] Make the picture the [b][u]background[/u][/b] of your graph, so you can [b]Graph Over It[/b]. Once you have it, [b]right click[/b] on the picture and[b] click[/b] in [b]object proprieties[/b]. Then check thebox[b] background image[/b] at the bottom.[br][br][i][b]The Pictures below will help you visualize better all the Instruction. [/b][/i]
[b]Note:[/b] Remember you can always refer to this page. [b]NOW GO TO THE NEXT PAGE. [/b]