1.2- Domain and Range - Piecewise Defined Graphing

Piecewise Defined

2.1-Right triangle paradox, Created by Sonom

Rearrange the first shape into the second one. Are the two shapes congruent? Explain why? This is a copy of work created by https://www.geogebra.org/u/sonom by Sonom.

3.2 Optimization

4.1: Exponential Functions

The Instantaneous rate of change is the proportional to the value of the function at any point.

5.1: Angles in Unit Circle

6.1: Ferris wheel

7.2: Proof of Sine and Cosine of a Sum

Slide the slider to see the steps of the proof.

8.1: SSA Sides a and b are given. Angle A is given.

Move A in and out of the circle to get different choices for SSA.
What does this mean?
[list][*]When the side adjacent to the angle [b]is smaller that the other given side[/b] (inside the circle), you will get at most one triangle.[/*][*]When the side adjacent to the angle [b]is bigger than the other given side[/b] (outside the circle), you can get up to 2 triangles. [/*][/list]

10.1: Ellipse

The total distance between a point on an ellipse to the two foci stays the same. (Move point X to see that.)
