Formule van Georg Pick

Formule van Pick

Pick's Theorem

Pick's Theorem[br]A useful tool to calculate the areas of polygons whose vertices have integer coordinates.
In a Cartesian coordinate system, the vertices of a triangle are [math]A=\left(6,1\right)[/math], [math]B=\left(-1,0\right)[/math] and [math]C=\left(-2,5\right)[/math].[br]Calculate the area of the triangle.
In a Cartesian coordinate system, the vertices of a polygon are [math]A=\left(-1,-2\right),B=\left(1,-2\right),C=\left(2,-1\right),D=\left(0,2\right)[/math] and [math]E=\left(-2,-1\right)[/math].[br]Calculate the area of the polygon.[br][br]Can you "cut" the polygon in two congruent parts to make your calculations easier and faster?[br]Explain your strategy.
