Really new stuff

New stuff in GeoGaebra
As you can see, [b]GeoGebra[/b] is about to make GeoGebraTub even better. BeoGebraBooks will now be able to contain links, videos, images and word files etc as part of their pages. This will make GeoGebraTube into a publishingsystem for free interactive mathbooks.[br][br][math]\sqrt[3]{4n}+5\cdot f\left(2\right)=[/math] 333[br][br]As you can see Teext can now contain mathematical expressions - the math interface resembles the old equation editor in Word but is LaTeX based. You can also insert button icons to indiate tools to use, such as the Intersect tool [icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_intersect.png[/icon] or the Probability Calculator [icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_probabilitycalculator.png[/icon]. The text editor can cope with some different fonts and the most common editing tools such as alignment, lists, tables, links, images etc. 
You may have several different items on a single page. 
This is an image (obviously...)
...and this is a video...

Information: Really new stuff