Flower Tesselation

FLower Tesselation
Question #1
After watching the video, name each polygon that emerges from the tessellation.
Question #2
Name the polygon with the largest number of sides that emerges from the tessellation in the video.
Create Your Own
Create a tessellation using a hexagon and two other shapes of your choosing.
What other shape is need to tessellate a pentagon? Is this possible?
Curricular Links: Grade 8 Specific Outcomes
Alberta Education. (2014). MATHEMATICS KINDERGARTEN TO GRADE 9. Retrieved June 14, 2016. Retrieved from https://education.alberta.ca/media/464621/k_to_9_math_pos.pdf
Curricular Links: Math 30-3 Specific Outcomes
Alberta Education. (2008). Mathematics Grades 10-12.[Program of Studies]. Edmonton Alberta, Canada: Alberta Education. Retrieved from [url=https://education.alberta.ca/mathematics-10-%20%0912/programs-of-study/everyone/programs-of-study/]https://education.alberta.ca/mathematics-10-   12/programs-of-study/everyone/programs-of-study/[/url][br]

Information: Flower Tesselation