Providing Feedback (Owners only)

About Tab Feedback
[i]Owners [/i]find a collection of all [i]Tasks [/i]of a Group on tab [img width=30,height=20][/img] [i]Feedback[/i].[br][u]Note[/u]: [i]Owners[/i] may choose in the [img][/img][i] Settings[/i] between displaying the content of tab [i][img width=30,height=20][/img] Feedback [/i]as a grid or a list by choosing [img][/img] [i]Show as grid[/i] or [img][/img] [i]Show as list.[/i]
Reviewing Members' Work
After a [i]Member [/i]has finished working on a [i]Task[/i], the [i]Owner [/i]may review the work and provide feedback:[br][list=1][*]Access the [i]Member's [/i]Activity...[/*][list][*]by selecting the corresponding cell in the [img][/img] [i]Grid[br]OR[/i][/*][*]by opening the corresponding [i]Task [/i]on the [img][/img] [i]List [/i]and selecting the [i]Member [/i]from the list.[/*][/list][*]Review the [i]Member's [/i]work.[/*][*]Comment on[i] Tasks [/i]if necessary. [br][/*][*]Select one of the following options according to the quality of the [i]Member's[/i] work:[/*][list][*] [img][/img] Complete if the [i]Task[/i] was solved in a satisfying way.[/*][*] [img][/img] Incomplete if the [i]Member [/i]should revise their work.[br][u]Hint[/u]: Please remember to provide a feedback comment in order to let the [i]Member[/i] know which kind of revisions are necessary.  [/*][/list][/list][br]After deciding the completeness of the [i]Task[/i], the [i]Owner's f[/i]eedback is saved and the work of the next [i]Member[/i] is displayed.[br][br][u]Hint[/u]: You may also switch manually between the [i]Members[/i]' work in order to review and comment their work by using the navigation arrows [img][/img] and [img][/img] next to their name.
Reopening Tasks
After the [i]Owner [/i]has provided feedback for a [i]Task[/i] and set its status to [img][/img] [i]Complete[/i], [i]Members [/i]can only do modifications on applets and open questions.[br]However, in some cases the [i]Owner[/i] might want to allow [i]Members [/i]to make more changes to an already completed [i]Task [/i](e.g.: multiple choice questions):[br][list][*]Open the Activity of a [i]Member[/i] whose work was already set to [img][/img] [i]Complete[/i].[/*][*]Select [img][/img] [i]Reopen [/i]below the [i]Task[/i] in order to reopen it for all [i]Members[/i] of the Group.[/*][/list]

Information: Providing Feedback (Owners only)