Joint Probability_Step By Step_Calculation
1. Definition of joint probability function
- Joint Probability function
2. Marginal probability function of X and Y :g(x) and h(y)
- Marginal Probability Calculator_Continuous Case only
3. Mean of X : E(X)
4. Expected Value of X. Y : E(X.Y)
5. Covariance of X and Y: Cov(X,Y)
6. Test of Independence of two random variable X and Y
7. Summary Table
Joint Probability_Step By Step_Calculation
Bed Prasad Dhakal, 05/06/2017
This GeoGebra Book helps to find double integral step by step in general, in particular, it helps to find various calculations step by step for joint probability distribution of two continuous random variable X and Y. यो GeoGebra Book ले double integral को step by step calculation हिसाब गर्न सहयोग गर्ने छ । खासगरी, यो GeoGebra Book ले दुईवटा continuous random variable X and Y को joint probability distribution मा हुने बिभिन्न calculation हरु, जस्तै Marginal probability function, Mean, Variance, Covariance आदी calculation हिसाब गर्न सहयोग गर्ने छ ।
- Definition of joint probability function
- Joint Probability function
- Marginal probability function of X and Y :g(x) and h(y)
- Marginal Probability Calculator_Continuous Case only
- Mean of X : E(X)
- Expected Value of X. Y : E(X.Y)
- Covariance of X and Y: Cov(X,Y)
- Test of Independence of two random variable X and Y
- Summary Table