Quadratic Functions (Transformations and Roots)

Applet contains 3 sliders: "a" slider, "h" slider, and "k" slider. [br]The equation of any quadratic function (with "a" not = to zero) is ALWAYS a parabola. [br]Move the sliders around to see the changes in the equation of a the displayed parabola. (The equation will change as you move any slider.) [br][br]Questions are contained below the applet.
Questions: [br][br]Parameters[br]1) What effect(s) does the parameter "a" have on the graph (parabola)? Explain in detail. [br]2) What effect(s) does the parameter "h" have on the graph (parabola)? Explain in detail.[br]3) What effect(s) does the parameter "k" have on the graph (parabola)? Explain in detail.[br]4) Write a general equation of a parabola using "a", "h", and "k".[br]5) Are the coordinates (x, y) of the vertex of the parabola made evident in its equation? If so, how? Explain in detail.[br][br]Now look at the roots as you move the sliders. [br]6) Describe what the parameters have to be in order to have two roots.[br]7) Describe what the parameters have to be in order to have one root.[br]8) Describe what the parameters have to be in order to have no roots.[br][br][br]Originally Created by [url=https://www.geogebra.org/tbrzezinski]Tim Brzezinski[/url] and Modified by Jessica Tentinger

Information: Quadratic Functions (Transformations and Roots)