Lee Sallows' Self Tilers

Lee Sallows found these shapes that have the self-tiling[br]property; they can be used to make larger versions[br]of all the shapes in the set. This is a particularly nice set,[br]because each shape is made up of one of each. [br]In effect these pieces solve four different puzzles, [br]given by themselves! [br][br]The puzzle slider lets you see the four different outlines.[br][br]The more box gives you more copies of the shapes.[br][br]The design box lets you change the shapes.[br][br]I saw these at [url=https://mathmunch.org/2016/06/09/halving-fun-self-tiling-tile-sets-and-doodal-2/]Math Munch[/url]. Sallows' [url=http://www.leesallows.com/index.php?page_menu=Self-Tiling%20Tile%20Sets]self-tiling post[/url], with many more goodies and the Latin square of this tiling.

Information: Lee Sallows' Self Tilers