Custom Tool: Exercise 4

[b][color=#000000]Exercise 4: Creating a Tool That Makes a Parallelogram that has Base and Height Values Inputted by User[/color][/b][color=#000000][br][br]This custom-made tool allows the user to plot 2 points. [br]These two points will form a line on which the base of a future parallelogram will be placed.[br]User then inputs parallelogram's base (first) and then height (second). [br][/color][b][color=#9900ff]For the parallelogram displayed below, slider values of "a" and "b" were used as inputs.[br][br][/color][/b][b][color=#0000ff]Output is a parallelogram that has that inputted base and that inputted height.[br]Another point is outputted is well.[br]This point allows the user to turn the newly constructed parallelogram in any direction. [/color][/b][color=#000000][br][br]If you wish, you can use the slope, distance, segment, angle, and/or intersect tools to verify that any parallelogram you construct with this new [/color][b][color=#000000]Parallelogram Maker[/color][/b][color=#000000] tool is indeed a parallelogram. [br][br]Interact with this applet for a few minutes, making sure to use this new tool a few times. [br]Then, complete the task below. (With this tool, you can only input values ranging from 0 - 20). [/color]
[color=#000000]Without downloading the applet seen above, take what you've learned from this session to create your own[b] Parallelogram Maker Tool [/b]that displays the same outputs as the [b]Parallelogram Maker Tool[/b] in the applet above.[/color]

Information: Custom Tool: Exercise 4