Trig Function Values (30 Degrees)

Interact with the applet below for a few minutes. Then answer the questions that follow.
LARGE POINTS are MOVEABLE. Be sure to slide the slider (lower right) slowly. As you do, pay careful attention to what you see here.
Just by merely observing the dynamics of this applet, what would the [color=#9900ff][b]sine of 30 degrees [/b][/color]be?
What would the [color=#9900ff][b]cosecant of 30 degrees[/b][/color] be?
Do the values of [color=#9900ff][b]either of these ratios[/b][/color] depend upon [color=#666666][b]the length of the circle's radius[/b][/color]? Explain why or why not.

Information: Trig Function Values (30 Degrees)