Isosceles triangle space

In the right hand panel choose a property of a set of isosceles triangles[br]- constant area[br]- constant perimeter[br]- constant altitude/base[br][br]GREEN line shows all the isosceles triangles with that area[br] area corresponding to the large GREEN dot is shown in the left panel[br]BLUE line shows all the isosceles triangles with that perimeter[br] perimeter corresponding to the large BLUE dot is shown in the left panel[br]YELLOW line shows all the isosceles triangles with that altitude/base ratio[br] altitude/base ratio corresponding to the large YELLOW dot is shown in the left panel[br][br]Drag the WHITE dot to set the value of the property you have chosen.[br][br]Drag the colored dot (color depends on your choice of property)[br]to generate of set of isosceles triangles with a constant value of that property.[br][br]Can you explain the shapes of the curves in the {base, altitude} plane [right panel] ?[br][br]Can you write an expression for Area as a function of base length for all three cases?[br]Can you write an expression for Perimeter as a function of base length for all three cases?[br]Can you write an expression for altitude/base ratio as a function of base length for all three cases?

'SQUARE-ness' of Rectangles

If you drag the ORANGE dot you can produce different rectangles. Devise a [br]measure of 'Squareness' that allows you to arrange any collection of [br]rectangles in order of 'Squareness'.[br][br]How many such measures can you devise?[br]Which of these measures do you prefer? Under what circumstances?
