Terme anschaulich 8
Passing Values between GeoGebra Applets
Applet 1
Applet 2
[size=100][size=150]Search "ggbElem" in browser's "View Source" of this page.[br]For example, the id of the first applet is 150217, the id of the second applet is 150221.[/size][/size]

[size=150]Then in the first applet, you can use "ggbApplet150221" to access the second applet.[br][code]var i = ggbApplet.getValue("a");[br]ggbApplet150221.setValue("b",i);[br][/code][br][br]Simiarily, in the second applet, you can use "ggbApplet150217" to access the first applet.[br][code]var i = ggbApplet.getValue("b");[br]ggbApplet150217.setValue("a",i);[/code][/size][code][/code]
gMath 互動數學教室 [url=http://www.geogebra.hk/]http://www.geogebra.hk[/url]