Plotting Points (x,y): Quiz

[b][color=#000000]Students:[/color][/b] [b][color=#1e84cc]Repeat this exercise as many times as you need in order to master this concept! [/color][/b]
Quick (Silent) Demo

Slope: Intuitive Introduction

[color=#000000]Discovery Lesson Activity: [br][/color][color=#980000][br][/color][b][color=#0000ff][url=]Slope: Intuitive Introduction Investigation [/url][/color][/b]

Writing Linear Equations Given Slope & Point (V2)

This app generates problems where the y-intercept DOES NOT NECESSARILY END UP BEING AN INTEGER. For an applet that generates scenarios where the y-intercept ends up being an integer, [url=]click here[/url]. [br]
[size=200]Feel free to use this [url=][b]Graspable Math Whiteboard[/b][/url] to help you answer this question. [/size]

Quadratic Equation Exploration

Move the sliders to explore changes in the coefficients of the standard quadratic equation
