Constructing Triangles

Create an isosceles triangle, where the two congruent sides are adjacent to the given point A.
Below describe your steps, using correct mathematical terminology, in creating the isosceles triangle above.
Right Triangles
Create a right triangle so that the given point A is the vertex at the 90 degree angle.
Below describe your steps, using correct mathematical terminology, in creating the right triangle above.
Create an equilateral triangle as the intersection of two (maybe three) circles, where one of the vertices is the given point A.
Describe how we mathematically know that the triangle you created above is equilateral.
Make a triangle whose side lengths are 4, 6, and 9.
What are the approximate degrees of the angles of a 4,6,9 scalene triangle? Is it acute, right or obtuse?

Information: Constructing Triangles