Angle Trisection by Paper Folding!

Creation of this applet was inspired by a reference contained in Matt Parker's book, [u]Things to Make and Do in the Fourth Dimension[/u] (pages 35 - 37). [br][br]Credit for the discovery of this method of angle trisection via paper folding comes from Hisashi Abe (Hokkaido University, Japan, 1980). [br][br]The goal here is to [b][color=#cc0000]TRISECT the RED ANGLE.[/color][/b] [br]You can alter the size of the [b][color=#cc0000]red angle[/color][/b] by using the [b][color=#cc0000]red slider.[/color][/b] [br]You can move the [b]LARGE WHITE POINT[/b] as well.
Angle Trisection via Paper Folding: Can you do this with paper?
How can we formally prove why this method of angle trisection actually works?
What aspect(s) about this construction cause this [color=#cc0000][b]red angle[/b] [/color]to be impossible to trisect via a pure "compass and straightedge" method?
Quick (Silent) Demo

Información: Angle Trisection by Paper Folding!