[b]M[/b] (Torsional Moment), [b]F[/b] (Force), [b]R[/b] (Distance between the Point of Rotation and the Point of Force), [b]α[/b] (Angle between R and F) [b]In Torsional Moment - Part 1[/b] If F and R are showing a 90 degree angle, we found out that M, F and R have a linear correlation. The formula we devised was [math]M = R {\cdot} F [/math] [Nm]
[b]Task 1:[/b] Make a table in your exercise book, have a look at the torisional moment related to the angle. [b]Task 2:[/b] You know 3 angluar functions and you know the formula M=RF from before. Find the angular function which is used at the calculation for M if we do not have an angular of 90 degrees. [b]Task 3:[/b] Think about the correlation between R, F, alpha and M. Try to devise a formula for M, using your observations.