exercise: adding Roman numbers

represent and add the two Roman numbers
First represent the two given numbers by dragging the balls to the grey parts, then start the adding:[br]5 I's equal one V. So if you have 5 balls or more on the line of units[br][list][*]drag 5 balls to the red part of the line[br][/*][*]drag 1 ball on the line of fives from the red part to the grey part.[/*][/list]Do the same for the tens and the hundreds.[br][br]2 V's equal one X. So if you have 2 balls or more on the line of fives[br][list][*]drag 2 balls to the red part of the line[br][/*][*]drag 1 ball on the line of tens from the red part to the grey part.[/*][/list]Do the same for the fifties and the five hundreds.[br]Continue until the sum of the two numbers is represented properly in Roman numerals.[br][br]The [b]reset[/b] button resets all balls to restart the same exercise.[br]The [b]new[/b] button generates a new random exercise.

Information: exercise: adding Roman numbers