Relationship Between Inscribed Angle and Intercepted Arc

Step 1: Drag D and see how the measure of angle DCE and the measure of arc DE change. [br]Step 2: How are the measures of the inscribed angle and the intercepted arc related?[br]Step 3: Uncheck the measure of the arc, change the measure of angle DCE. [br]Step 4: Calculate the measure of the arc, then check the measure of the arc box to see if you are correct. [br]Step 5: Repeat steps 3 and 4 at least 3 times. [br]Step 6: Uncheck the measure of the angle box. [br]Step 7: Change the size of the measure of the arc and calculate the inscribed angle. [br]Step 8: Check the box to check your answer. [br]Step 9: Repeat steps 6-8 at least three times.
The measure of the inscribed angle is ______________ the measure of the intercepted arc.

Information: Relationship Between Inscribed Angle and Intercepted Arc